Funding Request Form and CBA Team Protocols

If your church is requesting funds from a CBA Team, fill out this form and return to the CBA office by any of the means listed at the top of the form.  Take time to read and follow the team's protocols in reference to your funding request.  We desire to help your church with any means available to us in order for your church to reach its potential in Christ and fulfill the Great Commission. 

To Download a copy of the CBA Funding Request Form click here

Team Protocols


CBA Administrative Team Protocols


This team shall relate to the staff and personnel of the association including, developing job descriptions, reviewing duties, annually reviewing salary and benefit packages.

When ministerial vacancies occur this team shall be responsible for interviewing candidates and making recommendations for an affirming vote of the Executive Board.  Also, the team will be responsible for all issues concerning support staff.

The team shall provide counseling, assistance, and encouragement to the staff, working out changes that might be needed for all personnel.

This team shall have the responsibility to appoint ad hoc teams as needed to deal with such concerns as nomination of new team members, budget, and finance issues, resolutions, and credentials, constitution and by-laws, and building and grounds.


CBA Evangelism and Missions Team Protocols

Request for funding must be submitted to the Evangelism and Missions team of the Cumberland Baptist Association no later 45 days prior to the event. 

Applications can be picked up at the Association office (931-358-9036) or online at the Funding Request Form tab.

The church requesting funds must be a cooperating partner of the Cumberland Baptist Association.

Funding is available for Southern Baptist missions or those associated with a Southern Baptist entity.

If the mission does not have an IMB or NAMB project number, applicant must have references from their home church pastor, interim pastor, or deacon chairman.

The financial amount for the team will be determined on a need basis, not to exceed a maximum of $2000 per church.

Final approval of funds will be determined by the Evangelism and Missions team of the Cumberland Baptist Association.

The local church applying for funds must also invest financially in the event.

Churches receiving funds are expected to report in writing to the team the results of the missions project within 30 days.  Future funding is dependent on this report.

The Evangelism and Missions Team will meet bi-monthly or as needed.

CBA Church Strengthening Team Protocols

Request for funds must be turned into the Associational office at least 45 days prior to the event.  Fill out and return the Funding Request Form to the CBA office.

Request for funds will be accepted from churches based on a define strategy for accomplishing their vision.

Funding granted to the church will be based upon need, strategy, and budget for the project.

The local congregation must be a cooperating partner of the Cumberland Baptist Association.

Churches receiving funds are expected to report in writing to the team the results of the event within 30 days following the event.  Future funding is dependent on the report.

The Church Strengthening Team has authority to administer funds allocated to the team by the Cumberland Baptist Association.

The local congregation applying for funds must also invest financially in the event.

The Church Strengthening Team will meet bi-monthly or as needed.


CBA New Work Team Protocols

Applications for funds should be submitted to the CBA office at least 45 days prior to the event.  Fill out the Funding Request Form and return it to the CBA office

Churches must demonstrate how this training will assist them in developing leaders.

The local congregation applying for funds must also invest financially in the event.

Funding granted to a church will be determined by the strategy, budget fot the project and available funds.

Churches receiving funds are expected to report in writing to the team the results of the event within 30 days following the event.  Future funding is dependent on this report.

The Leadership Team has authority to administer funds allocated to the team by the Cumberland Baptist Association.

The Leadership Team will meet bi-monthly or as needed.